Sierra Auto Body LLC
Auto Repair in Manassas
Need auto repair in Manassas? Come to Sierra Auto Body LLC to get your car fixed, we provide many repair services such as auto rust repair and more. Call today.

Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm
Sun: Closed
About Us
We understand how important your car is and assure you that your car is in good hands. The founder of Sierra Auto Body LLC was an auto body man himself. He, Mr. Sierra, was one of the most sought after auto body man in Vienna.
With over 35 years of experience in the car industry, we aim to provide the best auto body shop service in the area of Manassas. That is why Sierra Auto Body LLC also offers high quality paint, accurate color matching, as well a flawless painting finish.​
Our professionals have fixed a wide range of different car models such as BMW's, Teslas, junk cars, as well as antique cars from the 1960's. Whether your vehicle is old or new, we have trustworthy professionals ready to fix any problem you may have.
So why choose us?
- Over 35 years of experience
- Lifetime warranty
- Free estimates
- Fully licensed business
- Affordable and competitive rates
- High quality materials

An Inside Look

Sanding the primer!

In the paint booth

Final Finish!

Contact Us
Collision repair and painting is not the only thing we do. We repair antique cars, windshields, tires, and more! For more questions, or for a free estimate call us at 703-369-0001.
9164 Euclid Ct.
Manassas, 20110
Phone: 703-369-0001
Fax: 703-369-0002